On a whim last Saturday night, Sandi and I decided to make a day-trip to Cannon Beach the next day. May is Cannon Beach's 'Spring Unveiling' where galleries invite artists to unveil their latest work. In light our of little one coming soon, our time of care-free art gallery browsing is limited. We wanted to take advantage of the opportunity given.
We arrived at Cannon Beach around 10:30 and headed to 'Dragon Fire', a bright, colorful and eclectic shop that is fun to browse through. We were inspired by photos printed on metal and I was thinking of where to put our next piece of art.
The next gallery of note is Primary Elements. They feature a lot of bronze sculptures. That day we meant a few artists molding clay for their next project. We were amazed at the intricate details of each mold. I think part of the fascination of it is my inability to do anything remotely like it. Another cool takeaway is the opportunity to learn about artists who's work we see every time we go out to Pioneer Square in Portland or Pikes Place in Seattle.
Our favorite artist, Jeffrey Hull, hosted a water color 'explanation' (for lack of better word) showing his admirers his techniques. I know NOTHING about art and have no interest in painting but I did enjoy watching him work.
What's trip to the beach without going to the beach? Towards the end of our day we spent a little time on the sand enjoying the water.

Post Script: If you ever get the chance to visit Seaside, don't bother. It was still light out when we left Cannon Beach so we traveled north a few miles to Seaside. What a dump! The comparison might not be fair against a classy place like Cannon Beach but the entire city looked like it was either suffering from a hangover or looking forward to the next party.