Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter! Easter Dinner

We were disappointed our original Easter plans were significantly altered.  Denise's family, who worked so hard to plan and prepare a wonder dinner/Easter egg hunt/fun adventure fell ill with the ick-crud.  What was to be a great gathering (bordering on controlled mayhem) turned into a quiet and intimate family gathering at my parent's table with Mom, Dad, Sandi, Amber and myself.  Denise was generous to supply the lamb and bunny bread in her stead; Mom provided the corn casserole, Dad provided the wine and we brought the salad. 

 Amber really enjoyed the lamb (the broccoli, not so much).

After dinner, we went outside for Amber's Easter Egg hunt.  Sandi 'hid' the eggs on the grass in plain view.  We all wondered what Amber would think and do.
the hunt....
I think she thoroughly it. 

Again, in her thoughtfulness, Denise provided the perfect hunt for Amber.  Her eggs were full of fun finger puppets and fish.

Enjoying the spoils.... 

Happy Easter! Easter Morning

We began Easter morning with a yummy breakfast of eggs, sausage, fruit and cinnamon rolls.  What a perfect way to begin a day of celebration!
We waited until the last possible minute to get Amber dressed in her Easter dress. We enjoyed going to church and then visiting Janet.  It was a good morning!

Amber and Sheep (and mommy)

Amber and Sheep

Amber and Sheep

Monday, April 3, 2017

Amber's new kitchen

Amber started out with a little picnic basket.  It served 2 very well and packed up very neatly.  It even sangs songs if you asked it to.  That was so last month and Amber has moved on.  Now she wants a kitchen.

roasting the strawberries to perfection

Sampling her mac-n'-cheese before serving

food-prep kind of got away from Amber
putting dishes away

Already, she has made mac-n'-cheese, croissants, salads and burgers.  They're pretty good too.  Next time you are over, you'll have to stay for lunch.  Amber can't wait to make you something yummy.

Happy 7th Amber!

Happy Birthday Amber The day finally arrived - we've been talking about it since October last year. And what a celebration you crafted!...