Sunday, January 19, 2014

Go Seahawks or Broncos!

At the time of this writing, I only know that the Broncos are ahead of the Patriots 10-0.  Based on the few minutes I saw, the Broncos are the better team.  May the better team win.

Before the football season began I told Sandi I was turning my football allegiance to the Denver Broncos.  This means very little because if I could monetize my football allegiance, or allegiance to any sports team, it would amount to only $0.0001.  But still it was big news that I even chose a team to root for. 

My reason for choosing the Broncos had nothing to do with their athletic prowess or clever marketing schemes.  I've only spent time in Denver once for a few days.  Ever since I came to Portland and traveled with the festival team, I've always wanted a festival in Denver.  The Broncos play in Denver, I want a festival in Denver: Go Broncos!

Throughout the season I would occasionally glance at the scores and notice that 'my boys' are doing well.  Wait, what's this?  The Seahawks are doing well too?  I can spend my allegiance in two places.  After all, they are the Seattle Seahawks.  Go Broncos and Go Seahawks!

This afternoon as I watch the Seattle vs SF game, I hope 'my boys' win.  I hope 'my boys' won against the Patriots earlier.  That way, come Super Bowl, 'my boys' will win, which ever one that happens to be.

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Happy 7th Amber!

Happy Birthday Amber The day finally arrived - we've been talking about it since October last year. And what a celebration you crafted!...