Sunday, November 1, 2020

Trick or Treat!


Sandi and I (like all parents) were wondering how to give our kids a good Halloween during a pandemic.  Fortunately our church hosted a harvest party in the early evening.  Both got a large bag of candy and it was fun to see all the costumes.  Then we headed over to Sandi's parents for an all-family sleepover. 

A cute little bumblebee and a charming little princess

Sandi's mom got into the spirit by dressing up as a witch and sending candy down her front porch in a cardboard tube.  We were all impressed.  

After a dinner of chili (a Reimer Halloween tradition) with all the fixin's, we took the girls for a walk around the neighborhood to see all the spooky houses. As a bonus, about a dozen houses were handing out candy.  One house went ALL in by creating a front-yard haunted-house.  The experience, capped off by a blue moon, was quite impressive.

We also marked the occasion by having the girls sleep in the same room together.  Taryn's only concern was that we leave the door opened a little so she could get out (even though Amber promised to let her out if she needed).  Bummer for Amber that we promised her a roommate all night long and she wouldn't have to be alone.  Taryn, however, had no allegiance to her new roomie and wandered downstairs before Sandi and I went to bed.  Oh was Amber distressed.  I think we will have them share a room occasionally at home so it is a better experience for everyone when we travel.

Final note unrelated to Halloween: the weekend happened to fall on Standard Time weekend were we gain an hour of sleep.  What a miserable idea!  Kids don't know or care about the extra hour of sleep.  It just produces the LONGEST day of the year because kids are tired, parents could give a rip about extra daylight and bedtime on Sunday can't come soon enough.

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Happy 7th Amber!

Happy Birthday Amber The day finally arrived - we've been talking about it since October last year. And what a celebration you crafted!...