Sunday, March 9, 2014


We've been meaning to visit Sandi's brother, Scott at OSU for awhile.  All our schedules worked out in March so we headed down to Corvallis late Friday morning. 

Scott has a great apartment about a mile away from campus.  The 3 of us walked to campus and found a great little hotdog joint for lunch.  After a quick stop through the local frozen yogurt shop we began our tour of OSU.

a on-campus walkable art sculpture

heading towards the libarary

clock tower

a beautiful mix of trees and structures

The is the 'Waldo' building.  We were lucky to find it!

The Beavers had a baseball that evening so we walked through the stadium to watch them warm up

What a great stadium

This is Scott's old dorm from last year

Scott had a class at that afternoon so we dropped him off and headed off to Albany.  Earlier that week, I emailed Jeff Gerig about stopping by for dinner.  They were more than happy to host us.  Jeff didn't get home until after 6:00 so we had a couple hours to kill by the time we arrived in Albany. 
We had a great time wandering through downtown.  We saw an art gallery featuring local artists.  The gentleman hosting that afternoon mentioned more of his art was on display a couple blocks away at City Hall.  The city pretty much closed up by 5:00 so we wandered over to the park along side of the Willamette river.  It was a really nice park, but made more interesting because of all the flooding:

stairs leading to the bottom of the river

Even without the flooding, it is a beautiful area

the shelter, playground and part of the ball diamond are under water


We arrived and Jeff and Katie's after it was dark and had a wonderful meal.  Jeff caught steelhead recently so they grilled that, along with veggies and rice.  Crepe's for dessert...

It was fun introducing Sandi to Jeff and Katie; we had a great time talking and laughing over dinner.

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Happy 7th Amber!

Happy Birthday Amber The day finally arrived - we've been talking about it since October last year. And what a celebration you crafted!...